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YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter

YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter

We heard that the YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter needed help with some projects around the center. They have a rather large piece of property with many trees, as well as some rather substantial flowerbeds that needed tilling to remove the crabgrass, thistles, and weeds. We answered the call and got to work. It took several days and lots of hands to help, but we managed to transform it into a restful park-like setting for the residents and staff to enjoy.

"YW Domestic Violence Services provides community based and residential services for women and children who are in dangerous relationships. The YW provides shelter in a confidential location and is available 24 hours a day for women and children who are in danger. The goal of the program is to foster a healing environment for these women and children to begin their path to safety and reclaiming their lives." (excerpt from the YW website)

Maintenance Solutions is proud to be a supporter of the YWCA and the heroic work they do for women and children.

Here is the kind letter of thanks we received from the YW.

"Dear Donald, 

Thank you for all the time and effort you recently gave to the YW. Your help with the mulch has made our landscape beautiful again. You have completely changed the face of the Center making it an inviting place of hope and comfort. On behalf of the staff and residents. I want to let you know how much we appreciate your assistance.


Alisa Palmisano"

For More Information about the YWCA, contact:

YWCA Nashville
1608 Woodmont Blvd
Nashville, TN 37215
Main Office: 615-269-9922
Fax: 615-385-9754

Domestic Violence Hotline:
615-242-1199 or Toll Free 1-800-334-4628
August 26, 2019
Nashville has some real treasures, one being the historic Belcourt Theatre. It is run by Belcourt, Yes!, a non-profit organization, and hosts film, theater, and musical events. One of our staff members likes classic movies (like The Big Chill and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory), and mentioned that the Belcourt had several very large potholes in their parking lot. As we all know, this can be a real liability issue especially when a parking lot is used at night. It can also wreak havoc on the frame of a low-slung sports car! It just so happens that Maintenance Solutions has some nifty new equipment that uses infrared heat to melt the asphalt around a pothole in order to make repairs seamless and quick. We offered to donate our time and the materials to repair all of the potholes, and after securing the approval of the Board of Directors, we were given the go-ahead. In about five hours we repaired seven holes as well as a section that had previously been patched. This section had a large bump and we used the infrared heat to melt it down and grade it to be level with the surrounding pavement. The Belcourt is a very unique theatre. Located in Hillsboro Village and built 77 years ago, it is Nashville's oldest theater of it's kind. It hosts concerts, theater productions, shows classic movies, independent films, Saturday Morning Cartoons, Away Games of the Tennessee Titans, and much more. We are proud to support the Belcourt Theatre. For more information about The Belcourt, contact: Historic Belcourt Theatre, Nashville, Tennessee Belcourt Theatre 2102 Belcourt Avenue Nashville TN 37212 Office Phone: 615-846- 3150 Fax: 615-846- 3151 Movie Line: 615-383- 9140
August 25, 2019
In late spring, Maintenance Solutions got word that the Boy Scout Camp at Boxwell Reservation needed volunteers to help with the preparation for the summer camp season. They had several Air Conditioning units in need of repair or maintenance. We were happy to help out with that... we all know how hot Middle Tennessee can get in August! They also had a very tall flagpole that needed a new coat of paint. There isn't a manufacturer out there that makes a ladder tall enough to tackle that flagpole, so it is fortunate that we have a bucket truck and were able to finish the job in a few hours. We do have high-pressure paint sprayers, but when you are using aluminum paint it can be a real mess, and very, very hard to clean up! Brushing it on by hand is the best method... Sorry about the sore arm Todd! The Middle Tennessee Council of the Boy Scouts of America provides services for over 45,000 youth in Middle Tennessee. The Council's mission is to "foster the character development, citizenship training and physical fitness of young people through an emphasis on outdoor program experiences, and in ways to prepare them to be responsible, contributing members of society over their lifetime by instilling values based upon those found in the Scout Oath and Law." Camp Boxwell is on the shores of Old Hickory lake in Wilson County, and covers over 1000 acres. As one can imagine, there are lots of opportunities for water sports, hiking, and camping. It is a very special place, and we enjoyed a sunny spring day helping a good cause. Maintenance Solutions is proud to be a supporter of the Boy Scouts of America. For More Information about the Middle Tennessee Boy Scouts, contact: The Middle Tennessee Council of the Boy Scouts of America The Jet Potter Service Center 3414 Hillsboro Road P.O. Box 150409 Nashville, TN 37215 Phone: 615-383-9724 Fax: 615-297-9916
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